Being A Mentor | Daily Prompt: Talking in Your Sleep

Have you ever eavesdropped on a conversation you weren’t supposed to? Tell us about a time when it was impossible not to overhear a conversation between people who didn’t know you were there. What was the conversation about? How did it make you feel?

It was just recently, while I am on my way to the office. I’m not supposed to listen, but the conversation of the three teachers caught my attention. They’re sitting in front of me and talking so loudly. They’re talking about their school administration, their co-teachers, and the quality of education in their campus.

Their conversation focused on all the negative things that are existing in their campus. They have LOTS of disappointments with their superiors. They are annoyed with the organization of events. They are discouraged of their low salary. They are also annoyed that some teachers are not doing the job properly.

It makes me feel bad. I can only imagine what will happen to the students who are enrolled there. They even mentioned that they have foreign students! If the students there will learn the wrong things, that’s another bad reputation for our country. If the teachers don’t disseminate proper information, what will happen to those kids when they’re out in the real world? They’ll definitely create a laughing stock, and I’m sure that will devastate the life of the child.

Allow me this chance to appeal to all those teachers, administrators, and supervisors. I can see all the efforts of the DepEd in making policies just to improve the quality of Education in the Philippines. Please don’t waste all those efforts. It will not just benefit your school, but the next generations as well.

Please prepare for your lessons religiously. I have some teaching experiences, and I know it’s hard to explain stuff, especially to elementary students. However, if you’ve been studying your lesson plan, I know you can share the knowledge confidently.

It’s hard to be a mentor. School admins can help to ease their burdens by implementing support groups, creating a pleasurable working environment, and competitive salary. Moreover, make sure that they have adequate supply of instructional materials.

Your student’s grades and performance will determine your school’s popularity and quality. Make sure your aim is to get the top spot. Well, you can’t do this without your dedicated teachers! :)
